Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

For Facilitator : Getting To Know You

A workshop for groups / teams who have worked together for a long time and believe that they know a lot about each other - often it isnt true. They know the person at work but not the real person.  So you can try it if you are a facilitator (widyaiswara)
Have each participant give you between one and three facts about themselves that they don't think the rest of the group know. It is important to stress that these things should be non-threatening. These are often about a hobby, something from their personal history or a claim to fame. Then compile them into a randomised list and give each person a copy. Include the facilitators in the list.
1. On residential workshops, It can be useful to run the exercise over dinner on the first evening.
2. Give each person a copy of the list.
3. Ask the that they discover which facts belong to which individual.

(by Jim Yates at from International Association Facilitator
Your Sincerely

1 komentar:

  1. Bagi yang ingin di Indonesiakan, silahkan sampaikan pada komentar. Karena ini belum pernah diberikan pada Training of Trainer manapun, dan baru diciptakan oleh salah seorang anggota Perkumpulan fasilitator se dunia. tq
